Worldwide news
AABO-IDEAL Group keeps updated at all times and constantly develop our products. When we succeed in creating a ground-breaking solution – or maybe a little less – we want to share the news and insights with you on this site.
April 29, 2019
Welcome to our new agent in ES
In order to be as close to our customers as possible, AABO-IDEAL wants to be present worldwide. Recently we have signed contracts with an experienced…
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March 1, 2019
As of March 1st 2019 we have had the pleasure of working with Mr. Mogens Garder, our new CEO. Mr. Garder is an experienced CEO…
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March 1, 2019
We grow bigger and stronger
Both as a result of the merger last year and as a consequence of our continuous and ambitious growth strategy, we expand in V. Aaby. Our…
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