AABO-IDEAL line increased capacity by 800%
From 54 to 450 m2/hour: New powder coating system delivers impressive optimization results at Polish manufacturing company
Precyzmet secures a capacity increase of over 800 % with new fully automated AABO-IDEAL powder coating line.
“This may be the best decision we have made in this area of our company,” says Maciej Perliński, General Manager and second-generation owner at Polish manufacturing company Precyzmet, adding: “Our main goals for this investment were to increase production capacity and efficiency, as well as improving overall quality. Thanks to AABO-IDEAL, we obtained that, and more.”
Improved capacity and quality
The new 5-stage automated line has increased production capacity from previously just 54 m2 per hour to an impressive 450 m2 per hour. This means that the Precyzmet plant is now much more efficient, agile, and ready to meet the varied needs of their customers.
On top of that, a pre-treatment system has increased corrosion resistance for the parts, which are mainly steel, aluminium and stainless sheet metal enclosures for electronic, telecommunications, and mechanical equipment. Spray pretreatment with deep penetration of the cleaning solution, combined with control and measurement devices such as conductometers and pH meters, has ensured an increase in corrosion protection from 300 to 1000 hours, according to salt chamber testing.
Delivery time of only 5 weeks
Due to limited space for the new powder coating line in the Precyzmet production facility, their search for the right system and supplier proved to be a lengthy one. However, when the decision was made and the contract with the selected supplier AABO-IDEAL had been signed, installation of the new system took only 5 weeks.
“The new line may not be extraordinary as such in terms of technology, but it is unusually compact and suits our needs and requirements perfectly”, explains Maciej Perliński and continues: “Even though we had to do some expected reconstruction of the plant to make space, delivery and installation of the new line went perfectly, and we actually succeeded in continuing production on the old manual coating system during installation of the new one, meaning that we avoided downtime altogether.”
Local support and service
One of Precyzmet’s reasons for choosing AABO-IDEAL was that they offer technical support and service locally in Poland, which ensured expert advice throughout the process, from exact specifications of the system to installation and commissioning.
One of the extra advantages reached by that cooperation was the inclusion of a pre-treatment line which not only meets all environmental requirements but also reduced the disposal costs of waste generated in the powder coating process.
And even though the new line has proven to be both efficient and very reliable, AABO-IDEAL Technical Design & Sales Manager for Poland Jacek Wysocki emphasizes that their local service technicians are always at hand, should any problems occur: “We take pride in the reliability and robustness of our systems, and we are always happy to assist our customers with any service requirements or further optimization, if needed”.
Poland-based Precyzmet is a manufacturing company handling machining, sheet metal plastic processing, welding, and coating of multi-metal parts; from small housings to huge AC/DC cabinets.
The company was founded in 1989. Today, it employs approx. 170 people and is a renowned supplier/subcontractor for both local companies and large multinationals.
A perfect choice for Precyzmet: The compact, high-efficiency AABO-IDEAL powder coating line increased capacity by 800 %.